MatImage is a Matlab library for analysis and processing of digital images.
It contains functions for processing, analysis, and exploration of 2D, 3D,
grayscale or color images. It is built as a complement to the Image Processing
Toolbox (IPT), and provides additional features as well as integration of IPT
functions into more elaborate functions.
Official homepage for the MatImage project is
A user manual is available.
A wiki is also provided in the MatImage wiki (work in progress…).
To install the library, with all sub-directories, run the script 'installMatImage.m'.
This will add all required directories to the current path variable.
Some functions need the "MatGeom" library, also available on GitHub
Library organization
The library is organised into several modules.
- imFilters – Image filtering (smooth, enhance, gradient…)
- imMeasures – Measurement of various parameters in digital images
- imStacks – Functions for manipulation and display of 3D images
- imMinkowski – Geometric measures (Surface area, Perimeter…) in 2D or 3D
- imGeodesics – Geodesic distance transform for 2D/3D binary images
- imGranulometry – Computation of gray-level granulometry curves with mathematical morphology
- imShapes – Generation of phantom images representing geometric shapes
A more specific help is provided in each module directory.