OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm-卡核

OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm

OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm Abstract. A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value x such that f(x)=0, for a given functio...
Function Set in OPEN CASCADE-卡核

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE Abstract. The common math algorithms library provides a C++ implementation of the most frequently used mathematical algorithms. These inc...
Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph-卡核

Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph

Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph Abstract. In mathematics a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points, called seeds...


转载: 一  前言      预处理(或称预编译)是指在进行编译的第一遍扫描(词法扫描和语法分析)之前所作的工作。预处理指...
Use PSO to find minimum in OpenCASCADE-卡核

Use PSO to find minimum in OpenCASCADE

Use PSO to find minimum in OpenCASCADE Abstract. Starting from OCCT6.8.0 will include one more algorithm for solving global optimization problems. Its development has...
Function Set in OPEN CASCADE-卡核

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE Abstract. The common math algorithms library provides a C++ implementation of the most frequently used mathematical algorithms. These inc...
OpenCASCADE Interpolation - Lagrange-卡核

OpenCASCADE Interpolation – Lagrange

OpenCASCADE Interpolation - Lagrange Abstract. Power basis polynomial is the most simple polynomial function. It also be called power series. OpenCASCADE provides bas...
[转]Massive Model Rendering Techniques-卡核

[转]Massive Model Rendering Techniques

Massive Model Rendering Techniques Andreas Dietrich Enrico Gobbetti Sung-Eui Yoon Abstract We present an overview of current real-time massive model visualization technology, with ...
OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix-卡核

OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix

OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix Abstract. OpenCascade use the Jacobi method to find the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a real symmetric...
Evaluate Math Expression-卡核

Evaluate Math Expression

Evaluate Math Expression 摘要Abstract:本文简要介绍了数学表达式解析求值的几款开源软件,并结合程序代码说明了OpenCascade中表达式包的用法。也简要介绍了表达式解析求值在AV...
Consolas 字体-卡核

Consolas 字体

Consolas是一套等宽字体的字型,属无衬线字体,由Lucas de Groot设计。  概述 这套字型使用了微软的ClearType 字型平滑技术,并随同Windows Vista、Office 2007及Microsoft Visual Studio...